Historic Preservation. Wood window and door restoration in Washington, D.C. Metro Area




Christian Kelleher, Founder

Master carpenter, fabricator, project coordinator, and 30 years restoration experience – As a two year old, I used to ride in the wagon my granddad pulled, to pick up leftover construction materials at the church. And here, I think, started my interest in construction and materials. Competitive and successful as a school boy, I had many interests. Among them years of judo, wrestling, and motorcycle racing. I was most fortunate to have traveled extensively. An army brat in Europe, I had seen most of the great monuments of western civilizations by 9 years of age, perhaps I was too young, but still inspired. My first professional ambition – archaeologist. College life and text books didn't move me, after 3 years I left and have since begun my own journey. William Blake, Fredric Nietzsche, and T.S. Eliot kept me alive for a few years and James Krenov and Studs Terkel helped me clarify my life's ambition – craftwork. At 21 years, I was resolved to be the greatest carpenter I could be. It is a beautiful, rich discipline, one which engages me most nearly all moments to this day. There is so much to learn and so much to do.


Master Carpenter, 25 years restoration experience – Born in London, England in 1966 and now a 25 year resident of Washington, D.C. I studied engineering at West Cumbria College and soon after completed an apprenticeship in building and renovation, which put me in the ranks of a "time served career carpenter", a very fortunate place to be. My career has mostly been as a self-employed contractor. During that time I have worked in London, France, Italy, and the United States. As well as the more monotonous maintenance projects, I have been lucky enough to work on palaces, villas, boats, mansions, in fact on almost every type of residence or office, and every type of project. Christian has been a good friend of many years and we both were excited when his suggestion of joining the company came up 15 years ago. Since then I have worked on the most unique and challenging projects. My role at the company is split between installing projects and mill shop work. I often get to install projects I have personally worked on and that is very gratifying.




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